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2-3 minutes read
By Titus Wormer


This guide explores how to embed things like tweets, gists or codepens in markdown. MDX supports standard markdown syntax (CommonMark). It does not support embeds by default.

There are two ways to accomplish embeds: at compile time or at runtime. Doing it at compile time means the effort is spent upfront so that readers will have a fast experience as no requests have to be made on the client. Doing it at runtime gives more flexibility by moving the work to the client. This can result in a slow experience for readers though. It also depends on what framework you use (as in it’s specific to React, Preact, Vue, etc.)

Embeds at compile time

You can use @remark-embedder/core by doing something like this:

import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
// Node currently can’t pick up on the default exports by `@remark-embedder`.
import fauxRemarkEmbedder from '@remark-embedder/core'
import fauxOembedTransformer from '@remark-embedder/transformer-oembed'
const remarkEmbedder = fauxRemarkEmbedder.default
const oembedTransformer = fauxOembedTransformer.default

Check out this video:

async function main(code) {
      await compile(code, {
        remarkPlugins: [[remarkEmbedder, {transformers: [oembedTransformer]}]]
Expand equivalent JSX
  <p>Check out this video:</p>
  <iframe width="200" height="113" src="" frameBorder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowFullScreen />

Embeds at run time

You can use the React-specific MDX Embed to embed things in MDX. Here is an example MDX file that uses a specific embed without @mdx-js/react:

import {CodePen} from 'mdx-embed'

Here’s a codepen, and some other blog post text.

<CodePen codePenId="PNaGbb" />
Expand equivalent JSX
  <p>Here’s a codepen, and some other blog post text.</p>
  <CodePen codePenId="PNaGbb" />

If you don’t want to use explicit imports in MDX files:

Here’s a codepen, and some other blog post text.

<CodePen codePenId="PNaGbb" />

Then you can either pass all components:

import * as embeds from 'mdx-embed'
import Example from './example.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.

<Example components={...embeds} />

Or, if you’ve installed and configured @mdx-js/react, you can also use MDXEmbedProvider:

import {MDXEmbedProvider} from 'mdx-embed'
import Example from './example.mdx' // Assumes an integration is used to compile MDX -> JS.

  <Example />